Streaming Video Offload

Seamlessly switch between broadband and broadcast streaming to offload live, mass-viewership content without disruption to the OTT streaming experience
- Increase OTT content quality (up to 4K) without adding strain to existing data networks or increasing distribution costs
- Reduce disruptions to streaming experience and lower latency for live event viewing via broadcast network resiliency and one-to-many distribution efficiency
- Flatten broadband and cellular network spikes to reduce distribution costs for mass-viewership events
Network Offload

Alleviate network congestion and reduce costs by augmenting capacity of traditional data networks with one-to-many efficiency of broadcast distribution
- Flatten network spikes with one-to-many distribution to reduce costs and increase network efficiency
- Reduce or delay capital requirements for network build and maintenance to manage peaks
- Improve network resiliency with additional distribution mechanism
First Responder Communications

Provide critical communications infrastructure resiliency by enabling dedicated, ATSC 3.0 broadcast communications channels for first responders
- Reduce reliance on potentially congested cellular networks during emergency situations
- Improve first responder communications reception in remote locations